Creating a shortcut on your desktop

Posted on April 11, 2013

It is common for people to want to put shortcuts on their desktop to their favourite programs.

With RentHQ there are 2 ways of creating these shortcuts.

1. The first option is to install RentHQ on your computer.  You do this by going into RentHQ, and then right click anywhere in the RentHQ window, and then choose Install RentHQ on this computer.  The disadvantage of this option is every time a new version of RentHQ is released, you will need to uninstall and reinstall again to get the new changes.

2. The second option is to create a standard shortcut.  To do this right-click on your desktop and choose New/Shortcut.  In the Location box, type in this web site URL and then click Next.  For the name of the shortcut enter RentHQ.  The advantage of this option, is if there are new software changes, you will get those automatically.

If you are using Outlook to send emails, you will need to choose the first option.